

Ceiling lighting

774 products

Showing 1 - 48 of 774 products

Showing 1 - 48 of 774 products
Trifaze Ray Ek aparatı
GYS Trifaze Ray Ek aparatı
Sale price119.90TL
1 Metre Monofaze Ray
GYS 1 Metre Monofaze Ray
Sale price429.90TL
Scandinavian Retro Pendant LampsScandinavian Retro Pendant Lamps
By Lamp Scandinavian Retro Pendant Lamps
Sale priceFrom 449.90TL
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Rail spot by-125Rail spot by-125
By Lamp Rail spot by-125
Sale price529.90TL
13 watt ray spot tavan aydınlatması13 Watt Ray Spot
By Lamp 13 Watt Ray Spot
Sale price529.90TL
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Wooden pendant stalter lightingWooden pendant stalter lighting
By Lamp Wooden pendant stalter lighting
Sale priceFrom 799.90TL
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Pirlo 11571 Tel Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLampPirlo 11571 Tel Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLamp
siyah renkli sarkıt avize resmidir.Black Pendant Chandelier
By Lamp Black Pendant Chandelier
Sale priceFrom 949.90TL
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sarı sarkıt avizeYellow Pendant Chandelier
By Lamp Yellow Pendant Chandelier
Sale priceFrom 949.90TL
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mavi renkli sarkıt avize resmidir.Blue Pendant Chandelier
By Lamp Blue Pendant Chandelier
Sale priceFrom 949.90TL
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turuncu renkli sarkıt avize resmidir.Orange Pendant Chandelier
By Lamp Orange Pendant Chandelier
Sale priceFrom 949.90TL
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gümüş sarkıt avizeSilver Pendant Chandelier
By Lamp Silver Pendant Chandelier
Sale priceFrom 949.90TL
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gri renkli sarkıt avize resmidir.Gray Pendant Chandelier
By Lamp Gray Pendant Chandelier
Sale priceFrom 949.90TL
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pembe renkli sarkıt avize resmidir.Pink Pendant Chandelier
By Lamp Pink Pendant Chandelier
Sale priceFrom 949.90TL
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Metal Cage Green Wire Pendant Lighting | ByLampMetal Cage Green Wire Pendant Lighting | ByLamp
Cerco Nus 2011 Tel Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLampCerco Nus 2011 Tel Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLamp
Tempo 40 641 Sıvama Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLampTempo 40 641 Sıvama Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLamp
Erebos HT097 Ahşap Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLampErebos HT097 Ahşap Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLamp
Zeyno Nus 6400 Tel Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLampZeyno Nus 6400 Tel Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLamp
Prism Metal Pendant LightingPrism Metal Pendant Lighting
Kirpi 3082 Tel Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLampKirpi 3082 Tel Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLamp
Abajur 40 6427 Abajur Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLampAbajur 40 6427 Abajur Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLamp
Abajur 40 6423 Abajur Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLampAbajur 40 6423 Abajur Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLamp
Abajur 40 6422 Abajur Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLampAbajur 40 6422 Abajur Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLamp
Abajur 40 6418 Abajur Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLampAbajur 40 6418 Abajur Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLamp
Abajur 40 6417 Abajur Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLampAbajur 40 6417 Abajur Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLamp
52 watt kare sarkıt aydınlatma tavan aydınlatması52 watt square stalagmites lighting
GYS 52 watt square stalagmites lighting
Sale priceFrom 2,539.90TL
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Erebos 108 Ahşap Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLampErebos 108 Ahşap Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLamp
Air stalagmit lighting whiteAir stalagmit lighting white
By Lamp Air stalagmit lighting white
Sale priceFrom 2,990.00TL
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15s Diego White Pendant Lighting15s Diego White Pendant Lighting
Bastos Nus 6151 Cam Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLampBastos Nus 6151 Cam Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLamp
Bastos Nus 6156 Cam Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLampBastos Nus 6156 Cam Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLamp
Bastos Nus 6146 Cam Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLampBastos Nus 6146 Cam Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLamp
Bastos Nus 6161 Cam Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLampBastos Nus 6161 Cam Sarkıt Aydınlatma | ByLamp
Cloud Bell Pendant LightingCloud Bell Pendant Lighting
BouffeeCloud Cloud Bell Pendant Lighting
Sale priceFrom 8,699.90TL
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Son Görüntülenenler

Ceiling lighting

BY LAMP's private design and the exact time to add innovation to your habitats with modern ceiling lightings! Need a ceiling light to brighten both the atmosphere and your for your home or office? By Lamp's ceiling lighting Decorative and special design stalactic lamps, chandeliers and rail spots you will find in the category can be the option you are looking for. As a stylish gift alternative, you can also have a nice surprise to your loved ones with different and colored ceiling lightings. You can choose from a separate custom design stalter lamps for each room of your home, you can create a more spacious and bright atmosphere with rail spotlights in your office. The lightings you need for institutional and special events are also waiting for you in the creation of the Lamp's ceiling lighting. Live the enjoyment of creating changes in your living space with these unusual ceiling lighting models no matter your purpose of use.

BY LAMP's creative designed by the creative team and in the category of ceiling lightings produced with care; Design Metal stalactites, wire stalactites LED stalactites, propeller stalactites and colorful sequential stalactites such as many style designs. Again, the recent periods are frequently preferred in the special projects of architects, and the silicone lamp and cloud stalter lamps are also in this creation. If you want to create; How about designing your own custom design ceiling lighting? By sharing the idea of ​​your dream lighting with by Lamp, you can order your home or office to your office special design ceiling lighting. Please do not hesitate to contact the Lamp team through the Contact page for your custom orders.

Preferred rail spotlights due to powerful lighting capacities are also very colorful and unusual designs in this original collection of LAMP. SMART Linear LED Rail Spots and Gold Tom Dixon models with a rather stylish appearance are only some of them. If you also want the ceiling in your living space to come together with delightful designs and both the atmosphere and to bring you peace and joy; Now you can browse hundreds of special design ceiling lightings, you can order with opportunities such as free shipping and fast delivery. BY LAMP's private lighting is made of cargo all over the world and the estimated delivery time is 14 working days. You can easily return or change if you are not satisfied with the products. BY LAMP for this unusual collection of your living spaces right now now in your living space! Please visit the contact page for personalized and corporate design orders.